An ALL NEW Way To Revolutionize Manual Therapy!

Take Manual Therapy to the next level with the NEW Winback Tecar Therapy system!

Winback Tecar (Transfer of Energy–Capacitive and Resistive) therapy is an innovative high-frequency current technology that helps patients recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. Tecar therapy has been used in Europe for over 15 years with excellent clinical results for acute, sub-acute, and chronic conditions, as well as before and after exercise, training, and competitive events.

Winback can be delivered during manual therapy, hands-free with electrodes, and even during dynamic activity. Winback Tecar therapy holds a prominent place in treating professional athletes, weekend warriors, and a wide variety of rehabilitation patients like yours. After getting FDA clearance in 2017, Winback began to grow in the U.S. by forming alliances with trusted and established dealers like Harlan Health Products, Inc.

Schedule a demo of this cutting edge modality TODAY by calling us at 1-800-345-1124!

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