Add Convenience and Efficiency To Your Office Today!
The Dynatron Solaris is a multi-faceted electrical stimulation platform that enhances clinical outcomes. Its unmatched versatility, treatment effectiveness, and hallmark “Target” feature will leave your patients looking forward to their next visit. Contact us today to learn more about the Solaris Plus and its unique features, including the optional Tri-Wave Light Probe, optional “hands free” Tri-Wave Light Pads, and the unique optional ThermoStim probe, which combines heat or cold with electrical stim while performing instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization.
For more information, visit our website at,
or call us at 1-800-345-1124 .

Quick Tip: Treating a small area with electrotherapy that can only fit one electrode (i.e., TMJ)? If so, try using one electrode as your active electrode, and put a larger electrode on the same channel and away from the treatment area. This large electrode will act as a dispersive and the smaller electrode will be your active treatment electrode. If you want more information, give us a call at 1-800-345-1124!